Somehow when some worldwide evangelical associations challenge each other on how to "Respond to the Global Challenge of Islam," whether doctrinally or culturally, -- somehow honor killings, etc. -- didn't even make the agenda.
At the bottom, don't forget to note the conclusion of the matter:
The credibility of the Christians’ missionary endeavors, at home within a pluralistic society, and overseas, depends on their distancing themselves from the norms and the lifestyles of the secular societies that surround them.
That's about as dangerous a philosophy for women in some of these cults, or even widely accepted religions. Not a day goes by when I don't wonder HOW in America, did this abuse happen? Does everyone someone think someone else is going to address it? And what's going to happen, how much worse, if Romney becomes President (not that Obama is a woman's friend either)....
What About the Women? 3 Women Speak Out
OK -- I have to bring this up. Why no rhetoric -- at all -- on violence aimed specifically at women, from both groups? What is so frightening and dangerous to the same system about non-abused, adult or young females?
This silence has been an absolutely clear statement BY Christians, whether this abuse was coming from their own, or those they wish to disciple sensitively to culture, but without compromising the doctrine of the Trinity (see 300 AD or thereabouts), itself promoted and perpetuated by violence and force.
Just a reminder, there are both men and women in both these movements. This means, the women in the movements are either (see "dumb idols" above) "aphona" (mute), or blind, or perhaps both. OR, their voices while participating and supporting these groups are silenced.
Prophets, in the past, were not silent about violence, and the prophesied prophet called Jesus was not deaf dumb and blind about treatment of women even in the gospel accounts. Why, that long ago (see John 8) would there actually be an account about him saving a woman caught in adultery (strangely, and as happens also often to this day in certain cultures, no male was caught with her) from being stoned to death?
Almost none of these groups mainstreamed, sidelined monotheistic "Christians" (which others, of course claim are not true Christians) will touch with a ten-foot pole what their own leadership (and let's not forget that these are groups of follow-the-leader by definition) have done to endorse, condone, and commit extreme violence against women, and children overall -- let alone other profiled groups. And in this (alas) I have to of course include Muslims.
So, I can't be honest here -- if I omitted this discussion, which will offend-- well, proponents of both, and possibly a third, religion -- as I will also (as ever) put in my two -- or fifteen-- bits of scripture to talk back, below, for which you will have to blame me, none of the three well-known women below.
There are leading women, all writers, all with some roots in the Abrahamic religions, all alive now, who have been documenting and reporting on the violence of Islam, specifically, for a LONG time; at least one has had a death threat on her (and fled from a European country to the United States); another has been in New York (I believe) as a psychologist and writer, but has been repeatedly, it seems, excommunicated by feminists (though she is one of the originals) for speaking out on honor killings; this woman also had experienced being trapped in Afghanistan as a young wife and mother; she knows what she writes about.
And the third hails originally from Egypt. She's been heckled, I think on both coasts at prominent Universities (Brown Univ. & UC Berkeley)