Get a Grip on the History of this Book:

"The finest emotion of which we are capable is the mystic emotion. Herein lies the germ of all art and all true science.
Anyone to whom this feeling is alien, who is no longer capable of wonderment and lives in a state of fear is a dead man.
To know that what is impenetrable for us really exists and manifests itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, whose gross forms alone are intelligible to our poor faculties – this knowledge, this feeling … that is the core of the true religious sentiment.
In this sense, and in this sense alone, I rank myself among profoundly religious men."
On Science, Awe, and Humility
(read more @ Alfred Einstein Thoughts of a FreeThinker)
Spirituality =/= Religion. One breathes life. Religion is tradition, to "tie it back," literally.

Welcome to my blog. This is how I talk...
It is not a dissertation or outlined. It is an exhortation, and may at times sound foolish, so be it.
Is life eternal? Who knows for sure. But -- I see people who understood their own times (Jesus clearly was such a person) and I exhort us to understand ours, now.
While this blog reeks of my personality and writing style -- the Bible (and Christ) have at least the scent of God, of something more abiding and eternal than a mystic emotion of awe and reverence.
This book deals with and as a language talks about spiritual matters.
To understand (versus just appreciate the impact of) this book is, literally Jesus, Lord and Christ. The central premise of the book defies imagination and human experience; it demands faith, and as such deals with the impossible.
Its depth has many layers, which is sometimes hard to hear when politico-religion is around, sounding the call to submit, attend, participate and donate. And, in the United States, to also "incorporate" for tax (avoidance) purposes.
[[A Psalm] of David.]] I will praise thee with my whole heart: before the gods will I sing praise unto thee.
I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.
In the day when I cried thou answeredst me, [and] strengthenedst me [with] strength in my soul.
All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O LORD, when they hear the words of thy mouth."
Though the LORD [be] high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly: but the proud he knoweth afar off
The history of the preservation, translations, and censorships of the language and concepts of this "book" [starting apparently with papyri] is itself in part a history of the world -- politics -- nations. Obviously, it also speaks to the control of wealth and confronts it.
and now here we are on the internet, where words and creeds are cheap. (far too cheap and too easy to propagate).
It is a history of sweat, tears, drama and fire (book-burnings, people-burnings) and bloodshed. It was spread, with changes of technology and languages; and
For some reason, the understanding and action on this book was a threat to power, and to accumulated wealth-- which tells us something about this type of power, and wealth.
Religious people exist - -and can be seriously disruptive. I suggest -- getting a grip on the language (and history) of this book, if nothing else, for survival reasons.

Could you describe nature, its origins, its behaviors, like this? [Or, do you want to lament to God, "Why me??"] Check out Job 38, when the LORD, after hearing (37 chapters of theological debate, who's to blame for Job's suffering..) the LORD finally quizzes not his miserable (self-righteous) psychoanalysts -- only back then it was religious -- but Job himself.
. . .Actually, less a quiz than a challenge -- like standing (alone of course) to defend one's beloved thesis, in hopes of that blessed Ph.D. -- and realizing one is empty-handed: Job 38
"Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? [smile...] Gird up your loins now and answer me like a man! Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth...who laid the cornerstone, when the morning stars sang together and the sons of God shouted for joy?" ... Where is light and darkness?[v.19]; "Who hath put wisdom in the heart, and understanding in the inward parts?" [v.36]
Where is light and darkness, indeed! Men still wish to know! NASA, MIT, FermiLab and various universities are still working on it . . . . . must be powerful information to invest such fortunes into exploring...
Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 (Dated: June 15, 2001)

The existence of light (a massless U(1) gauge boson) is one of unresolved mysteries in nature.

In this paper, we would like to propose that light is originated from certain quantum orders in our vacuum. We will construct quantum spin models on lattice to demonstrate that some quantum orders can give rise to light without breaking any symmetries and without any fine tuning.
Through our models, we show that the existence of light can simply be a phenomenon of quantum coherence in a system with many degrees of freedom. Massless gauge fluctuations appears commonly and naturally in strongly correlated quantum systems which originally contain no gauge fields.

PACS numbers: 11.15.-q"

(MIT Xiao-Gang Wen: The Origins of Light)

Who puts wisdom in the heart?
Do we normally think in those terms--of wisdom, as a quality, which can be planted, engrained, or even poored into a heart? We don't yet know where light comes from -- so with all our institutions, anyone have a definition, way to implant, and who can tell what is the origin of "wisdom"??
...after a while of this interrogation (still presumably being destitute and completely covered with disease) Job replies -- I will lay my hand upon my mouth....
Generally speaking, most people won't come to God (or, this word) until life has got them speechless. But "speechless" is appropriate before this text. Reading it, one is in the presence of something older, very probably wiser (even if "collected wisdom") and more perceptive than onesself. It, and its language, just may have some serious insight & wisdom you just do not have! . .
What would persuade men to risk their lives, and end up burned at the stake, rather than recant on their translation of this book, and instead of saying "FORGET you -- this is MY survival, here!" to future generations, literally say things like (Jesus, allegedly) "Lord forgive them, for they know not what they do?" -- or (Stephen, on being stoned, Acts 7, allegedly) "Lord, lay not this sin to their charge!" -- or Wm. Tyndale, 1536 A.D., Lord, Open thou the King of England's eyes!" . Why? -- or for that matter, why were these men murdered to start with? Does the world really NEED a continual provision of scapegoats and bloodshed over who rules this place? If so, then perhaps they need the central message of Christ! -- or at a minimum of the books which similarly foretell of the need for redemption and prophesy of a Redeemer to come! Why did they value it so highly -- and why do religions today clearly (which this blog will illustrate) value almost anything higher than this Bible, while quoting it?
And what IS it about those psalms? . . . how can you not admire this plain speech and sentiment?....
"But know that the LORD hath set apart him that is godly for himself: the LORD will hear when I call unto him.
Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still.Selah
Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time [that] their corn and their wine increased." (from Psalm 4)

Who can really summarize this topic? But I WILL speak to it -- and while the experience is shared by many (women and mothers), not enough are speaking out about it.
Now is the time to understand its concepts, and how that church-state hybrid never (ever) had any blending with the gospel in purpose and intent, and by about 300 (possibly 200) A.D. also had little in common with its language.
Which of course, can still change....
Let the games begin...

Sunday, December 30, 2012

In 2013, What ELSE will Councils of Men decide About Women?

I guess if a certain theological fount of wisdom decided centuries ago on who God is by council (They have found Him, and -- scriptures aside -- Jesus is His Name), I should not be surprised to find the same crews, desiring something to unite their ranks as women are exiting them in disgust -- to determine by council who we are, also.

This is a heartbreaking time of year, and sometimes of life, for many, many women, particularly women who, for whatever reasons, ended up marrying what an atheist friend of mine calls, properly, "Christian Terrorists."  We have been given unacceptable alternatives, a situation which is increasingly polarized in the United States of America, while groups of people in power who run across the globe to evangelize others, I am beginning to believe do so because, at home, we actually know them by their fruits, by now.

I might as well get right down to it, but readers need to understand how deeply, deeply disturbing it is for women to find, year after year, literally NO safe place to re-engage in society after they have confronted violence -- and retain their identity as a Christian, even if they are.  How much is ENOUGH, all right already?

I am of now an older generation of women who went through this (although I'm not a mega-church type) -- ten years ago!

  1. Woman Submit! Christians & Domestic ViolenceSaddleback ...
    Jan 16, 2009 – Saddleback Church is dishing up typical evangelical fare on the subject of domestic abuse and domestic violence. In and of itself that is not ...

Saddleback Church also tows the traditional line in regards to the doctrine of male authority and female submission? Male authority which can still be maintained in a controlled separation but is seriously threatened when a woman is given leeway of any kind, for whatever reason, in ceasing to submit to an abusive husband by divorcing him? Is it any wonder then, that Holladay also inserted submission theology into his teaching on the subject of abuse by subtly reminding women of their duty to maintain a submissive attitude towards their husbands, although he tempers the inclusion by acceding that tolerating abuse is not a proper example of displaying an attitude of submission.

Nancy Leigh DeMoss, author and council member of The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW), does the same in her book, Lies Women Believe. Her advice to women in abusive marriages is to leave if they have to, but never, under any circumstances, consider divorce. If a separation must take place, counsels DeMoss, then during the separation, an abused wife is to maintain an attitude of reverence towards her abusive husband’s God-given position of authority over her—which, according to DeMoss, is not abrogated by the abuse.
The WHAT???  You've GOT to be kidding me (I thought), but apparently not:
I looked it up.  Again, I feel ill in the core of my being.  let these people go  believe and spout off what they want -- but I personally believe there wouldn't be feminists if there weren't this insane overentitlement by gender in the first place.  I could've stayed married and just waited until I was short or stabbed to death in a nice, nuclear "Christian" home, but BECAUSE among other things (lots of them!), I'm a mother -- I felt it unwise to risk my kids' lives too.

How did "society" respond to this?  With the family court system (the antidote to feminism, disguised as secular), and where I learned that a crime against a mother is not a crime.  The DV industry has apparently forgotten that mothers are also women -- and made a backroom deal with the fatherhood industry (BOTH funded by the public) to just not talk about it.  Also, I learned through the child support system that a debt to a woman is not a real debt, either.

So, in return for literally averting a murder/suicide and going back about functioning as a contributing member of society, dutifully (per court order) obeying them to the T -- meaning Dad got to see them every weekend, if he so chose, without exception -- on a certain day many moons (actually suns -- years) ago, in compliance with this, I dropped my (girls) off for an overnight visitation, and never got them back.  This was not justified legally or factually, the allegations used to start a court case had no evidence behind them whatosever, and it absolutely didn't matter anyhow.  

So just while my battery is still good, and without apology for the formatting, nonsequitur sequences or anything else on this post, let me introduce us all to:

(I gather that's the "missionary" position?)....  Don't forget to tithe. After all, it's a nonprofit and responsible, too!

As a non-profit ministry serving the church, CBMW relies on the support of local churches and individual believers.Financial integrity at CBMW is certified by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA member profile). CBMW is a 501 c 3 organization making contributions tax deductible.
If you have more questions about donating please contact us.

The “Danvers Statement” summarizes the need for the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW) and serves as an overview of our core beliefs. This statement was prepared by several evangelical leaders at a CBMW meeting in Danvers, Massachusetts, in December of 1987. It was first published in final form by the CBMW in Wheaton, Illinois in November of 1988.

I want everyone to know exactly who is on this board of directors, what professions, denominations and etc. they represent, and you are on alert that there is STILL no excuse for abuse, and that sentient, intelligent women and mothers still exist. We are leaving the church by droves, and are quite capable of staging a nice boycott, which I'm thinking of about this time, perhaps Easter would be a terrific symptom --

Unless you either give up the nonprofit status, or "give it up" with this rhetoric.
I have had two decades of extreme violence by spouse, followed by rejection by family because I'm Christian and single, courts (just doing their "thang") and was hounded out of the very profession that would support my own kids by this lawlessness.  Enough is ENOUGH!!!

They have what looks like a well-funded, moving-image website, I notice a section addressing "Biblical feminists."

Russell D. Moore, Ph.D.Chairman
Senior Vice President, Academic Administration
Dean, School of Theology

Daniel L. Akin, Ph.D.

Wayne A. Grudem, Ph.D.Research Professor of Bible and Theology
Phoenix SeminaryScottsdale, AZ
Jeff Purswell, Ph.D.Dean, Pastor’s College
Sovereign Grace Ministries
Gaithersburg, MD
K. Erik Thoennes, Ph.D.Associate Professor of Theology
Talbot School of TheologyBiola UniversityPastor, Grace Evangelical Free ChurchLa Mirada, CA
J. Ligon Duncan III, Ph.D.President
Randy Stinson, Ph.D.
Senior Fellow

Founded: 1987
Current Status: Member
Member Since: November 3, 1992


It is founded in Kentucky as a Foreign Corporation with an unstable incorporation history.  I'll be back, but here's where you can look it up:

ompany NameOrganization NumberStatusType

(the "status" column to far right doesn't show, but you should look at it).
I note offhand that a foundation from Louisville was in support (along with Institute for American Values and Diane Sollee's Washington D.C. Group) to start a marriage movement, conference date ca. 2000, see my family court blog..)

Details on this at bottom of the post.  They are preaching to us, but can't stay incorporated?

(following up on the Saddleback article, above).

Thankfully, Holladay did not go as far as Bruce Ware did in his presentation to Denton Bible Church, last year (2008!!!), by suggesting that women often bring abuse upon themselves by not submitting to their husbands.

No matter who is discussing abuse, either victims or church leadership, it seems the subject of submission always manages to slip into the conversation. We just cannot seem to discuss the one without discussing the other. Many victims know that abuse is the extreme end result of the doctrine of female subordination, while supporters of the doctrine acknowledge the fact that it must be carefully controlled or disaster can and often does come of it.

I found this logo when researching some fatherhood programming being run (at public expense) through the Michigan State Department of Human Services

World Conference - Our Time is Now

AACC is about Christian Counselors.  They are heading into the counseling field with a vengeance....

I cannot tell you how distressed mothers are (I'm talking Christian mothers) when they learn about the federal funding that complements the religious coverup of violence and aggression towards them particularly as mothers.  An example from what lies in front of any women who dare to flout both church AND government and expect protection on the basis, they are human beings, have many times paid taxes, contributed to society (not just by giving birth!) and refrained from personally committing crimes, even though many were victims of them within that marriage relationship.

While this is actually (technically speaking) more about setting up systems of power and money-- it still hurts that it targets us (mothers who left marriages, and often for VERY good reasons:  they like to stay physically alive!)

Randell Turner, Ph.D.

I just found out that a “Randell Turner, Ph.D.” (right) whose linkedIn below gives a nice clue to how serious these groups are about pushing their message was also formerly Vice President of the National Fatherhood Initiative, and has moved from there into another serious player in this field, “ICF International.”

I know quite a bit about this funding, and should've been better prepared, but yesterday, when I saw this information, and connected the above individual (one of many, it's not just about him in particular) to the AACC circuit (see logo above) alongside "University of Light" faculty, "Liberty University" counselors, and other Fuller Theological Seminary Types -- I still was ill, as in disturbed/nauseated on a gut level.  Among other things, the re-entry funding allegedly transforms sex offenders into better parents, after which of course the next obvious thing to do is reunite them with their offspring.  In this way, children can be USED to make Dad a better parent, which is good for society.  This is marketed under the "fatherhood rhetoric" which basically scapegoats women like myself and others who thought the United States of America was a safe place for women to give birth and simultaneously believe in Jesus Christ, and that marriage =/= punching bag, scape goat WRONG!!!  (I found this and reported it as I found it, the other day):

Dr. Turner initiated one of the first state-wide prisoner re-entry programs with the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections, by developing the Helping Offenders Parent Effectively,** (H.O.P.E.) a prison to community re-entry and transition program, community resources, training and strategies to prepare incarcerated parents for prisoner reentry. Dr. Turner co-authored an award winning column given by the Evangelical Press Association for Prison Fellowship, a nonprofit ministry, Inside Edition a faith-based newsletter addressing incarcerated fatherhood issues.  
 The curricula get federal funding.  A captive audience, literally.  Sometimes welfare funds are diverted for this noble cause in general (marriage promotion, no matter what...)
Since 2004, Dr. Turner has been developing and implementing new program/curricula for transitioning sex offenders returning from state and county prisons.
Recipient NameCityStateZIP CodeCountyDUNS NumberSum of Awards
I C F, INC FAIRFAXVA22031-6050FAIRFAX072648579$ 6,435,784
 (from, a grants database  $3 million of the above (that’s straight-out grant, not contracts) is a single grant, “90FH0002″:

ANYHOW, WHERE, precisely, are women such as myself, and these others, supposed to go?  No one likes aggressive violent women -- but I would like to know what the alternatives are, I mean, socially.

If you have heard of Rick Warren, Saddleback Church, or the concept of "mega-church," you are in this.  We already know (many of us) that churches per se are historically going to coverup various forms of violence and other criminal activity against their own women, and children, which would land a person in jail had it been done to a stranger, and reported.

There comes a point when it's unacceptable for a man to shove his face in a woman's and settle arguments by interrupting, yelling, stomping out, or (if it's his wife) hauling off and hitting her -- and that point is the FIRST time.

Men and Brethren (that's YOu I'm talking to if the shoe fits), "these things ought not to be so!"

From "BlackChristianNews" in 2009:

A Look at Saddleback's Position on Domestic Violence from a Former Member  | 6 Comments  (only 6 comments?) 
 On Sunday afternoons, Sheri Ferber, a 43-year-old mother of three, listens online to Rick Warren's sermons, streamed from the 25,000-member Saddleback Church where she was a devoted member for ten years.  Although Sheri, pictured here, now lives an hour away in Temecula, California, she hangs on the weekly sermons like a woman in exile. It's the closest she gets to church these days.
(I think it's time just to tune the guy out.  But women get conditioned to take abuse)

 Four years ago ((=2005), she approached a Saddleback pastor for protection against her husband, who'd violently attacked her while they were driving home from church. Instead of protecting her, Ferber says, the pastor called her husband to warn him that Ferber had been "gossiping about their marriage." Ferber, it seems, had run into Saddleback's teaching that the sanctity of marriage prohibits divorce in all but a few circumstances, and domestic violence is not one of them. Abused wives could separate from their husbands, Teaching Pastor Tom Holladay explained in audio clips once available on the church website, but only with the intent to reconcile through church counseling.
"There's something in me that wishes there was a Bible verse that says if they abuse you in this and such kind of way then you can leave them," said Holladay, but sadly, he concluded, there wasn't. "It's not like you can escape the pain," he said, since the "short-term solution" of divorce leaves the "long-term pain" of a failed marriage. Holladay further qualified that domestic abuse meant regular beatings, not simply a spouse who "grabbed you once."

The clips were removed from the website this spring, in the months after Warren, the casual-Friday face of "new Evangelicals," spoke at President Barack Obama's inauguration.
For why President Barack Obama is inviting men who believe this kind of schlock to speak at his inauguration, see "" and his relationship with Jeffrey Leving, Esq. of Chicago, for which see "" and the various "Revs." on the Board.  He probably needed this to get elected, and some things never "Change," although seems to me, this was part of the 2004 Democrat platform as a relief from Republican right-wing stuff.
But the underlying problems have not disappeared. Like many conservative churches, particularly fellow Southern Baptist churches, Saddleback teaches a traditional view of gender roles in marriage, where wives submit to husbands' protection and leadership. Supporters say that in many cases this Christian model of marriage, known as "complementarianism," can work out well, for both men and women. But in cases where the husband is prone to hitting, experts warn, the teachings can be disastrous: encouraging the abuser and shaming wives into thinking they can't report the abuse and still be right with God.

I would like to ask you -- if the so-called "church" is such a wonderful haven, why are women running FROM it into the courts for protection, and not finding it either place?

The historic development of "Family Courts" as a corporate entity relates to protesting divorce as undermining the stability of the country.  Accordingly, when we are beat up in the house, we should learn to be more conciliatory, even if we have to flee for our lives.  I am one of those.  I did ten years in the marriage, and ten years AFTER the marriage, and the one conclusion I came to, overall, is that this world is simply not willing to face its own "demons" and throw 'em out!

Instead, they will either throw the mothers out (for a newer model, or a more submissive one), or, if they are allowed to stay (and care to stick around to be insulted some more), they must remember their Biblical roles.

These must be remembered even when the men speaking are reiterating a church/state doctrine that was decided long ago (as ever) by force and for political reasons.


Organization Number0766691
Profit or Non-ProfitN - Non-profit
Company TypeFCO - Foreign Corporation
StatusI - Inactive
StandingB - Bad
File Date7/9/2010
Authority Date7/9/2010
Last Annual Report7/13/2011
Principal Office2825 LEXINGTON RD
BOX 926
Registered AgentRANDY STINSON
BOX 926

Current Officers

PresidentRandy L Stinson
TreasurerDonald Balasa
DirectorJ. Ligon Duncan
DirectorWayne Grudem
DirectorK. Erik Thoennes

Individuals / Entities listed at time of formation

Images available online

Documents filed with the Office of the Secretary of State on September 15, 2004 or thereafter are available as scanned images or PDF documents. Documents filed prior to September 15, 2004 will become available as the images are created.
Revocation of Certificate of Authority9/11/20121 pagePDF
Annual Report7/13/20111 pagePDF
Application for Certificate of Authority(Corp)7/9/20102 pagestiffPDF

NOTE to myself TO CHECK OUT -- is 'Thoennes" any relation to Nancy Thoennes of Denver''s Center for Policy Research (it is an unusual name, no?)

2nd filing (2001-2009 revocation):

Organization Number0518350
Profit or Non-ProfitN - Non-profit
Company TypeFCO - Foreign Corporation
StatusI - Inactive
StandingB - Bad
File Date6/27/2001
Authority Date6/27/2001
Last Annual Report6/30/2008
Principal Office2825 LEXINGTON RD BOX 926
Registered AgentRANDY STINSON

Current Officers

ChairmanLigon Duncan
TreasurerDon Balasa
DirectorLigon Duncan
DirectorWayne Grudem
DirectorRandy Stinson
DirectorC J Mahaney

Individuals / Entities listed at time of formation

Images available online

Documents filed with the Office of the Secretary of State on September 15, 2004 or thereafter are available as scanned images or PDF documents. Documents filed prior to September 15, 2004 will become available as the images are created.
Revocation of Certificate of Authority11/3/20091 pagePDF
Annual Report6/30/20081 pagetiffPDF
Registered Agent name/address change6/27/20081 pagetiffPDF
Annual Report1/24/20071 pagePDF
Annual Report1/30/20061 pagePDF
Annual Report2/14/20051 pagePDF
Annual Report10/6/20031 pagetiffPDF
Application for Certificate of Authority6/27/20013 pagestiffPDF


(The three- year gap in incorporation is a little disconcerting to me.  )

Organization Number0843979
Profit or Non-ProfitN - Non-profit
Company TypeFCO - Foreign Corporation
StatusA - Active
StandingG - Good
File Date12/4/2012
Authority Date12/4/2012
Last Annual ReportN/A
Principal Office2825 LEXINGTON ROAD
Registered AgentRANDY STINSON

Current Officers

Individuals / Entities listed at time of formation

Images available online

Documents filed with the Office of the Secretary of State on September 15, 2004 or thereafter are available as scanned images or PDF documents. Documents filed prior to September 15, 2004 will become available as the images are created.
Application for Certificate of Authority(Corp)12/4/20121 pagetiffPDF

Assumed Names

Activity History

FilingFile DateEffective DateOrg. Referenced
Add12/4/2012 1:43:22 PM12/4/2012

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