Get a Grip on the History of this Book:

"The finest emotion of which we are capable is the mystic emotion. Herein lies the germ of all art and all true science.
Anyone to whom this feeling is alien, who is no longer capable of wonderment and lives in a state of fear is a dead man.
To know that what is impenetrable for us really exists and manifests itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, whose gross forms alone are intelligible to our poor faculties – this knowledge, this feeling … that is the core of the true religious sentiment.
In this sense, and in this sense alone, I rank myself among profoundly religious men."
On Science, Awe, and Humility
(read more @ Alfred Einstein Thoughts of a FreeThinker)
Spirituality =/= Religion. One breathes life. Religion is tradition, to "tie it back," literally.

Welcome to my blog. This is how I talk...
It is not a dissertation or outlined. It is an exhortation, and may at times sound foolish, so be it.
Is life eternal? Who knows for sure. But -- I see people who understood their own times (Jesus clearly was such a person) and I exhort us to understand ours, now.
While this blog reeks of my personality and writing style -- the Bible (and Christ) have at least the scent of God, of something more abiding and eternal than a mystic emotion of awe and reverence.
This book deals with and as a language talks about spiritual matters.
To understand (versus just appreciate the impact of) this book is, literally Jesus, Lord and Christ. The central premise of the book defies imagination and human experience; it demands faith, and as such deals with the impossible.
Its depth has many layers, which is sometimes hard to hear when politico-religion is around, sounding the call to submit, attend, participate and donate. And, in the United States, to also "incorporate" for tax (avoidance) purposes.
[[A Psalm] of David.]] I will praise thee with my whole heart: before the gods will I sing praise unto thee.
I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.
In the day when I cried thou answeredst me, [and] strengthenedst me [with] strength in my soul.
All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O LORD, when they hear the words of thy mouth."
Though the LORD [be] high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly: but the proud he knoweth afar off
The history of the preservation, translations, and censorships of the language and concepts of this "book" [starting apparently with papyri] is itself in part a history of the world -- politics -- nations. Obviously, it also speaks to the control of wealth and confronts it.
and now here we are on the internet, where words and creeds are cheap. (far too cheap and too easy to propagate).
It is a history of sweat, tears, drama and fire (book-burnings, people-burnings) and bloodshed. It was spread, with changes of technology and languages; and
For some reason, the understanding and action on this book was a threat to power, and to accumulated wealth-- which tells us something about this type of power, and wealth.
Religious people exist - -and can be seriously disruptive. I suggest -- getting a grip on the language (and history) of this book, if nothing else, for survival reasons.

Could you describe nature, its origins, its behaviors, like this? [Or, do you want to lament to God, "Why me??"] Check out Job 38, when the LORD, after hearing (37 chapters of theological debate, who's to blame for Job's suffering..) the LORD finally quizzes not his miserable (self-righteous) psychoanalysts -- only back then it was religious -- but Job himself.
. . .Actually, less a quiz than a challenge -- like standing (alone of course) to defend one's beloved thesis, in hopes of that blessed Ph.D. -- and realizing one is empty-handed: Job 38
"Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? [smile...] Gird up your loins now and answer me like a man! Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth...who laid the cornerstone, when the morning stars sang together and the sons of God shouted for joy?" ... Where is light and darkness?[v.19]; "Who hath put wisdom in the heart, and understanding in the inward parts?" [v.36]
Where is light and darkness, indeed! Men still wish to know! NASA, MIT, FermiLab and various universities are still working on it . . . . . must be powerful information to invest such fortunes into exploring...
Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 (Dated: June 15, 2001)

The existence of light (a massless U(1) gauge boson) is one of unresolved mysteries in nature.

In this paper, we would like to propose that light is originated from certain quantum orders in our vacuum. We will construct quantum spin models on lattice to demonstrate that some quantum orders can give rise to light without breaking any symmetries and without any fine tuning.
Through our models, we show that the existence of light can simply be a phenomenon of quantum coherence in a system with many degrees of freedom. Massless gauge fluctuations appears commonly and naturally in strongly correlated quantum systems which originally contain no gauge fields.

PACS numbers: 11.15.-q"

(MIT Xiao-Gang Wen: The Origins of Light)

Who puts wisdom in the heart?
Do we normally think in those terms--of wisdom, as a quality, which can be planted, engrained, or even poored into a heart? We don't yet know where light comes from -- so with all our institutions, anyone have a definition, way to implant, and who can tell what is the origin of "wisdom"??
...after a while of this interrogation (still presumably being destitute and completely covered with disease) Job replies -- I will lay my hand upon my mouth....
Generally speaking, most people won't come to God (or, this word) until life has got them speechless. But "speechless" is appropriate before this text. Reading it, one is in the presence of something older, very probably wiser (even if "collected wisdom") and more perceptive than onesself. It, and its language, just may have some serious insight & wisdom you just do not have! . .
What would persuade men to risk their lives, and end up burned at the stake, rather than recant on their translation of this book, and instead of saying "FORGET you -- this is MY survival, here!" to future generations, literally say things like (Jesus, allegedly) "Lord forgive them, for they know not what they do?" -- or (Stephen, on being stoned, Acts 7, allegedly) "Lord, lay not this sin to their charge!" -- or Wm. Tyndale, 1536 A.D., Lord, Open thou the King of England's eyes!" . Why? -- or for that matter, why were these men murdered to start with? Does the world really NEED a continual provision of scapegoats and bloodshed over who rules this place? If so, then perhaps they need the central message of Christ! -- or at a minimum of the books which similarly foretell of the need for redemption and prophesy of a Redeemer to come! Why did they value it so highly -- and why do religions today clearly (which this blog will illustrate) value almost anything higher than this Bible, while quoting it?
And what IS it about those psalms? . . . how can you not admire this plain speech and sentiment?....
"But know that the LORD hath set apart him that is godly for himself: the LORD will hear when I call unto him.
Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still.Selah
Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time [that] their corn and their wine increased." (from Psalm 4)

Who can really summarize this topic? But I WILL speak to it -- and while the experience is shared by many (women and mothers), not enough are speaking out about it.
Now is the time to understand its concepts, and how that church-state hybrid never (ever) had any blending with the gospel in purpose and intent, and by about 300 (possibly 200) A.D. also had little in common with its language.
Which of course, can still change....
Let the games begin...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Lost in Translation? Or Simple Loss of Courage

I wanted these links to be near the top of the post.  After struggling with HTML for (too long), I'm dumping this onto a post as an expression of sentiment.  Almost makes me want to go back to wordpress!!

What I see in men who changed history was the courage of their calling.  What I see in theologians trying (in USA Election 2012 as in prior decades) is simply cowardice.  MOST of them are on the coat-tails of the Vatican, although the Bush family line is less than "noble" in its habits and alliances.  Five hundred years after William Tyndale, who translated as a fugitive from King Henry VIII, and eventually paid for it with his life (being probably less than 40 at the time) - -- people still can't handle Tyndale, and probably can't touch his talent and backbone with a ten-foot pole.

I also (on this blog) the other day typed an entire "page" and can't locate that page right now.  Am probably missing my own calling here -- without support staff to clean up the work, or a copyeditor, or the time to do it right.  THAT SAID, I do see an entire (and major) gap in coverage of important matters; and hope against hope to get to it before the end of my lifetime.    (Arrgh....)

This post will show my clear rebuttal of the doctrine of the "trinity" and assertion that it had to be imposed by force, necessitated ignoring the clarity of scripture, and that it took hold for the next two thousand years, while competent translators of the scripture, many who risked and lost their lives in so doing -- did not buy into it, and with their work, spread literacy and helped topple entire empires -- or at least force global-domination-empires to regroup.  

Many of these reformers also knew the advantage of new technology and used it to advantage.

Their translations were often burned along with them; Huss (it's said) was burned with Wycliffe Bibles as fuel.  

Forcing the issue, the church authorities then seek control of position and wealth (i.e., close to political authorities) and then start naming who's a heretic. As a woman and mother, I basically have completely lost respect for the associations and institutions -- as they struggle to determine who is and who is not a heretic, forming clumps (or going "ecumenical") -- somehow they consistently forget to force their membership to stop abusing members of their own family, parishioners, congregants, or in short people who show up within range.  Are times less feudal now?  Not in behavior and not in intent.


30 A.D. or so.

Being only about 30 yrs old, Jesus, a young itinerant preacher allegedly dies horribly and innocent on a Roman stake, among others, after first being labeled a threat to the state. 1500 years later, William Tyndale, another man about 40 also following his calling -- translation -- was betrayed, strangled, then burned at the stake for the crime of translating Greek manuscripts into his own language, English, which he virtually helped invent in the process.

500 more years later, and a U.S. President by decree (Executive Order) tries again to blend religion and state by opening an "OFBCI" to streamline federal favors to the "right" religious groups.

State has always sought to exploit or control religion;it is a powerful ally or enemy in global control, and its noncompliant prophets are literally dangerous to the status quo. For another, if it didn't, religious groups would tear each other apart by the throats, anyhow, causing civil unrest...

. . . . Fast-Forward a few hundred years after Jesus' death. They still can't agree: Who was he? A Roman emperor settles the bishop's sectarian debate (and power struggles) by decree:

In A.D. 312, Constantine won control of the Roman Empire in the battle of Milvian Bridge. Attributing his victory to the intervention of Jesus Christ, he elevated Christianity to favored status in the empire. "One God, one Lord, one faith, one church, one empire, one emperor" became his motto. ...To counter a widening rift within the church, Constantine convened a council in Nicaea in A.D. 325. A creed reflecting the position of Alexander and Athanasius was written and signed by a majority of the bishops.

381 -

"In AD 381, Theodosius, emperor of the eastern Roman empire, issued a decree in which all his subjects were required to subscribe to a belief in the Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This edict defined Christian orthodoxy and brought to an end a lively and wide-ranging debate about the nature of God; all other interpretations were now declared heretical. ..A Turning Point which time Forgot" (Heretics, Pagans and the Dawn of the Monotheistic State / Book review)

. . .Fast-Forward one thousand years or so... and it'sstill a matter of ecclesiastical power, with those challenging it, or translating that book, still being burned at the stake, sometimes along with their books.

Thanks to some of the following men, we can today (via internet) search Bible texts in sites like THIS. or THIS. Moreover Tyndale also contributed in good part to the development of English itself through his work, I hear.

These examples -- as well as of JLC himself -- make me believe there may still be hope for those who understand their times -- and their callings, and commit to it. It may make for a rough life and horrible death, but it CAN change history, topple empires, and by the grace of God, will. Right now, as then, the empires are economic, military, and use traditional religion to encourage compliance of the masses.

1320-1384 The Work of Wyclif [Wycliffe] and Its Impact
(sets some historical context)
Latin was at the top of the linguistic hierarchy – it was the language of literacy and formal education across Europe. Everyday speech was further stratified by class; the aristocracy spoke Anglo-Norman, a dialect of French, while commoners spoke Middle English. Since the Wycliffite Bible was translated into common English during a period of social and political unrest, as well as religious dissent, English-language Bibles became symbols of heretical beliefs. Wycliffe's teachings were condemned in 1382In 1409, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Arundel, issued thirteen Constitutions which prohibited the translation of any biblical text into English as well as the public or private reading of such textsViolators were excommunicated and charged with heresy, which was punishable by death. English-language Bible manuscripts were pushed underground throughout the next 130 years, kept carefully by lay readers. Over 250 Wycliffite Bibles have survived to the present"
(from a curator at "Early English Bibles")

Huss (Bohemia) took up Wycliffe. His murder inspired further resistance.
1450s - Gutenberg. while not the inventor of the printing press definitely popularized it, And yes, printed Bibles. Making it harder to stamp out Huss & Wycliffe, among other things. (see great summary of its effects, and context :

At the height of the Hussite crisis in the early 1400's, when the authorities ordered 200 manuscripts of heretical writings burned, people on both sides realized quite well the significance of that act. Two hundred handwritten manuscripts would be hard to replace. Not only would it be a time consuming job, but also trained scribes would be hard to find. After all, most of them worked for the Church, and it seemed unlikely that the Church would loan out its scribes to copy the works of heretics."
One of my personal heroes... He translated on the fly.. He fled King Henry VIII --how'd you like to do that?Absolutely unbelievable -- read some of the saga.

1473-1543 Copernicus (classics, law, theology, math, metaphysics, languages and astronomy) puts the sun (not the earth) at the center of the cosmos. But the Church at the time was more, "Aristotle).

1483-1546 Luther (accused of being "Hussite" in 1519, goes to the library to defends himself; realizes he probably was, thereby losing the debate and beginning his break with Rome...),

1564-1642 Galileo, and his telescope (ca. 1610), went with Copernicus, based on the evidence. eventually winning for himself (ca. 1633) from the Inquisition, lifetime house arrest. Copernicus' 1543 book was banned in 1615, and Galileo having published in Italian (not Latin) also caused problems. Like many of these men, Galileo's skills surfaced early in life


The 'technology for all times' is still I should say, holy spirit. the still nearly-unknown Lord Jesus Christ, and the power in that name. And in every single generation, someone has to stand up to the corruption of their time.

And who better, perhaps, than women who have stood up to their religiously abusive men and been spat out of marriage, or even lost children to the state because of it? I suspect there is a reason the authorities are so afraid of us.

. . .But I suspect that, like the above men, it's not going to be an ancient formula propagated to protect an empire (in A.D. 381 or so) that will save life, or heal, in our dark hours. It will have to be the genuine article, backed by the living God. (Acts 2, Peter, after explaining that David, in Psalm 110, spoke as a prophet of this same Jesus, the time was NOW for that audience):

"Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, andhaving received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth** this, which ye now see and hear Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost...for the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, [even] as many as the Lord our God shall call.. . .And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation.

"Then they that gladly received his word were baptized."

It's simple. Those words speak to some, and do not to others. Still true today.

Or, you could go with a theologian's struggle (yr. 2002, 2006) to understand why Tyndale, so familiar with the scripture, failed to talk about the Trinity, but with effort (and repetition), it could perhaps be squeezed into the equation: The man writes, admitting he can't make sense of it, but probably not willing to risk his life -- or social excommunication (being a clergyman) as Tyndale did:

"When I first thought about the Trinity I could not see the validity of any of the explanations meant to help us understand the concept of Three Persons and One God. I could only make sense of the Trinity if I looked at it as a family. The family name is God, and in that family there are three Persons— the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit—but it is one Family. Although Tyndale does not have much teaching about the Trinity . . ."

[And then goes on to talk about "God the Trinity" where the Bible consistently talks about "God our Father." etc.]

[ discusses why Tyndale translated Ex 3:14 s I will become what I will become rather than "I AM that I AM" which is then often tied to John 8:58 to justify Jesus having said that he was God.. Among the most intelligent comments is this one:

"Consider the possibility that his translation is more in keeping with the original than more "PC" translations. Perhaps goes some way toward understanding why the infinitely wise church fathers had Tyndale burned at the stake for his unpardonable crime of rendering the Bible accessible to those (not a high number in his time) who had the ability to read in the common tongue.

Read more: Why didn't William Tyndale translate Ex 3:14 as "I AM"? Isn't that an important rendering for the Trinity? Ex 3:14 Then sayde God vnto Moses: I wilbe what I wilbe: ad he sayde, this shalt thou saye vnto the children of Israel: I wilbe dyd send me to you. |

Let's try this again:
"Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, andhaving received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth** this, which ye now see and hear

**in Greek, the word "shed forth" is used of things poured out. The audience had just had a dramatic demonstration.

See also I Cor. 12:7. When there is nothing to see, or hear, then people continue to talk (another sample)-- and listen to the sound of their own voices, as opposed to this gospel which -- again, the record is clear -- will create nonconformists likely to be put under lifetime house arrest, and/or simply be killed, as their own ALLEGED leader was.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Are you? ... Why do you? Look - and Listen!

Today is a six-year anniversary of a certain event in my life, a life-changer for sure.  But I don't want to talk mostly about that right now.

For my daughters, and certain things which were en route then, but can't be turned back now..I know the world entirely differently, and you I don't know at all, except by memory and fragments of contact & a little more.  You are not now who you were going to be, had it happened here.   Nothing is .....

I also know one that has NO (biological, etc.) family around regular, and the other one has some DNA-shared stuff -- but it's a bastard variety, and isn't leading to a good place, regardless of other successes.  

(No one deserves this -- and I did not forestall or make the difference.  I'm sorry, girls! and I love you, when you get around to this page.).

But this is still holding true -- it's a matter of thirst, I guess:

<< Isaiah 55 >>
King James Version

1Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.2Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.

3Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David.

4Behold, I have given him for a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people.

5Behold, thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not, and nations that knew not thee shall run unto thee because of the LORD thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel; for he hath glorified thee.

6Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:
7Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

Ya know what?  Seeking the Lord and NOT forsaking wicked or unrighteous ways?  How is that "seeking the Lord"??
(just to set a nice definition of "religion" out here, while I'm at it -- that's public display of seeking the Lord and private (or public, at other times) wickedness.  there's a lot of it going around..)

either Jesus Christ is LORD.
Or he ain't (I Cor 15).
I'm figuring, he is....
Maybe this will tell why...

Well, my blogs full of investigations, complaints, and exposes have investigated, exposed, and of course complained.  While this one -- "JESUS LORD CHRIST" sat silent the whole time.

At the end of the day -- I had to do this (LetsGetHonest, The FamilyCourtFranchise, and perhaps the better part of year commenting on "Scranton Political Times/CAFR, on the ABA ("Who are they, again?", etc.) -- I ended up with the same conclusion (only much more documented)-- the world's f*cked; its systems are built on the love of money, most people ARE (deaf, dumb, blind and sitting in the shadow of darkness), and for that matter, who is going to stand in the gap?

Quite honestly, I was many times angry with spiritual people who could give a crap about what's happening to the political system, or the gradual takeover of the Protestant Evangelical Dominionist etc. with this, that, faith-based offices and/or/either a neat blend sidewise into the gol-danged Unification Church (which has happened), or things like Opus Dei, or as it were, groups like this in the public forum -- well, sometimes  more than under the table:  "Defending Our Father's House," which sounds innocent, but not if you read some of the letters appealing to "our Fathers' and the 50 Shepherds of the US (with allegiance to the Vatican) etc.  Maybe I'll transport the Knights of Columbus-style letter over to this blog to illustrate the difference (It's somewhere on Scranton PT).  I believe Wade Horn or David Blankenhorn may have been a signatory.  

(that's really funny, and a good resource blog overall.  This writer has it down!)

  • Both start out with a corporate charter of beliefs by the leaders of that religion or political party.

    These charters and beliefs are claimed by both entities to be divinely inspired.

    Both are registered with the State via their Articles of Incorporation.

    Both write and re-write history; and then edit and interpret their own writings.    :)   

    They are both a form of control, both in political and moral correctness.

    Members of both fear excommunication and public ridicule for questioning or acting against these chartered beliefs.

    Political parties make the laws of the land and command consent, while religions teach that members must follow the “law of the land” as God commands.

    Both give power to otherwise powerless men (and sometimes women), who dress in robes and judge all people.

And I was at some level angry with some brothers and sisters in Christ, who I know personally and have prayed and even brought some deliverance to me- - for their failure to wake up, and letting me, a woman, take on the political system, with others (often but not always Christians) and expose the slush funds -- which are many.     I miss my children, I miss doing these wonderful things -- and instead dealing with ugliness on the family front and desolation and a sense of how very truly alienated I am from investing in this world-system.  This OIKONOMIC structure.

There are two factors that helped me turn the final corner when I saw them in action.  I think one of them is definitely (and more info at "Let's Get Honest," above) -- as Walter Burien keeps blogging once he found out -- the collective government wealth HAS been internationally centralizing the planet.   I heard about this only with, oh, the last month or less:

"Comprehensive Annual Financial Statements"* aka "You will not get a Stronger Wakeup Call in Your Lifetime"
(* a very short audio interview lays it out, basically).

In addition, there's the wonderful Catherine Austin Fitts and her work after discovering, from near the top, how HUD is being run as a criminal enterprise, and putting out some diagrams, too.  While not sure, I believe both of these are also Christians at some level (I have my reasons, although that neither validates nor invalidates their work. However, it's key insight and beautifully laid out in both cases).

Then there's the unbelievable personal situation I have been in year, after year, after year, surrounding my family and ALL of it driven by this insane fear of not having money when in fact, they have it.  It's tangible, and terrible -- including a terrible waste of life.  it's also more than I can address, when people are literally in-sane (they do not have sound minds, or reason, or care that they don't they are invested in THIS world, and behaving like those who run it, not having another standard to live by.  And that's basically, evil; not just one form, but multiple coinciding forms, and many active at once.  Yuck.    And I feel "yuck" about myself to unable to shluck my feet out of the basement, gutter MUCK, and to think some of us came from the same mother and father.  YUCK!!!

So here we are, and I purpose to shut up, and LJC more.  This is where I start -- because I'm here too.  I want back!

My first language was really, probably music.  By contrast, after a while, the sound of my own voice (in print) speaking facts about the situations we are in -- it's less than a sustainable mental diet.  I was problemsolving and observing with attention for the purpose of extrication, and also there was a good deal of therapy involved -- i.e., this writing was a voice that couldn't be as easily interrupted as my work life, relationships, contacts, and in this context, pretty much anything that was sticking out above surface level and within kicking range of the family gang(sters).

(Sorry to provide symbolism instead of the identifiable situation, but the situation is still live, and I'm just not going to.  The term "gang" applies although not in the usual sense.  But they do what gangs do and operate like ones.  It's sick....)

Probably like walking with two left feet, and stiff -- like, with my pride inside.  Let's try again!

For real....


So, I think it's time to re-integrate. I want to (better) know LORD JESUS CHRIST.  (this blog title is a factor of the "LJC" one being taken already, that's all).  I see too much else.

Another way of putting this: the Word of God appears to hold VERY true....

Let me put it out here, and readers, please forgive for so much front material!

<< Isaiah 55 >>
King James Version

1Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.

"Huh?  In THIS world?  HOW?!"

2Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? {{INSTEAD...}} hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.

OK, so there is another way, then...

3Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David.

"Hear, and my soul shall live?"
I have needed mercy, for sure!  I'm interested.
Because my job, my relationships, my housing, my contact with my children -- my life is not sure otherwise.  Little is sure in this world
(see "Aurora, Colorado, 2012")

what are "the sure mercies of David, tell me! we all need mercy..."

Now this is a listen part -- it is a declaration and it is a prophesy.  It is SURE.

4Behold, I have given him for a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people.

5Behold, thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not, and nations that knew not thee shall run unto thee because of the LORD thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel; for he hath glorified thee.

That is just beautiful -- given for a witness to the people, a leader and a commander.  These are needed. I've seen it.  People, are too often, 'Sheeple"  And a nation of sheeple is a nation on the rocks....

Some people may wonder why I'd start a blog "Jesus Lord Christ" with Isaiah 55, and not somewhere in the "New Testament."  I don't know.  But read on.  These are beautiful words -- and VERY good advice!

I'd heed it if I were you, and as for me, I feel I'd better to.  But then again, that's probably that holy spirit inside, resonating to this tune....It comes by faith and by hearing, and somehow -- the mixture works.  God helps us hear His word.  Some are deaf to it a lifetime.  Go figure.  But "Hear ye this!" . . . . .

6Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:

7Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

There are wicked men, and they have certain ways, they do wicked things..  I've seen it.
There are unrighteous men, and they think certain ways.  when I'm also thinking unrighteously, it is a DIFFERENT way than the faith way, which (at least for this woman) is a more peace-inside way.

And here it is:

8For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.

OK, is that clear?  There's a difference.
Sounds like the LORD knows something-- and like he has what
we commonly call "boundaries."  He knows Himself, and he knows us -- and they are DIFFERENT in thought life.

9For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

(Go outside, and look up.)

10For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:
11So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

Now He's not talking thoughts -- but word.  Powerful words.  Read on:

12For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

13Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the LORD for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.

_ _ _ __ _ _  _ _ _ _ _ _ _- That is all of 'ISAIAH 55" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I don't know the significance of the plants here -- however most of us (who've read it) can recall from Genesis 3, "the fall" and thorns and briers were part of the curse.

Again, I note -- this is "nations {plural} that knew not thee shall run unto thee..." and it's to him who is thirsty and has no money.  What it is he needs -- water, (satiates thirst) wine (makes the heart merry), milk (nourishes) -- money can't buy.  He doesn't have the kind of MONEY that can do those things.

Think he can?  Not to make this too "current events," but apparently a certain "Prince Harry" from the UK was caught cavorting in the buff with, ah, some friends.... Does he have enough money?  What's his life about?  

What about the late Whitney Houston (one of my favorite singers, voices) -- died in a bathtub, age 48, and drug issues.   Somehow -- No, there has to be another way.

I wrote as a mother, I wrote as a woman who'd been beaten in marriage, I wrote as someone who watched others just "pretend" nothing happened; or picked up the pieces, dusted us off, and sent us back -- to go through some more of it.

I wrote angry, I wrote sometimes happy.  I wrote in shock.  I wrote fed, and I wrote hungry, too.

I wrote my story, I wrote the story.  I listened to Moms (and Dads) and looked up the court situations in their states.  I comforted, prayed, was prayed for and comforted.  At times I begged for necessities (talking, recently).   

I wrote distressed, I wrote sad, I wrote triumphant to have discovered that THIS way, and not THAT way, was closer to the systemic, political, governmental truth, not that we're screwed -- but  better understanding of HOW we're screwed.  

 Boy was THAT "productive"!  And at the end of the day, I have come to concise definitions of - the law, lawyers, for the most part, the USA (we're the world's largest per capita jailor in fact) -- the courts, and what it means to be a 'citizen/subject' of the United States of America.

I figured out -- this isn't exactly rocket science, but there's a certain fascination with the methodology -- that probably what's actually behind the push for "welfare reform" marriage/fatherhood/ abstinence, etc. and the entire franchise system aimed at regulating and controlling "low-income" people (and then expanding that group infinitely outwards and upwards) was actually to get people to CONSENT to CONTRACT with what they think bears at least SOME resemblance to what they learned in (state-sponsored) public schools about the USA.  Home of the free,land of the brave, scourge of the politically incorrect, and values system of the ages . . .  . . . 

No -- seriously, the purpose of the push to get Moms and Dads to marry, and to sign up for birth certificates, social security numbers, and of course hopefully marriage licenses -- was economic.

Not spiritual, not social, not even really religions -- not practical, not for the children ,and not for the good of anyone.  The reason for the season of promoting marriage was to get registration for people to contract (receive benefits) from the federal government and so become a registered bonafide "citizen" of its territories, the "it" being USA, Inc. -- which is (with Congress) located in a ten-square mile (or so) place called Washington, D.C. 

But -- just as in the Bible one speaks of "fellowcitizens with the saints and of the household of God" (Ephesians, I believe, right?) -- contracting to do it with the USA actually puts you subject to the entire --- well, it puts you as a shareholder in a trillion$$ debt.  You are by consent going to be managed (and your kids) to pay it off too -- or else.  You will in fact be micromanaged as a member of this corporation.

I'd say, combined with years of experience (a good deal of suffering involved, many kinds) plus about three years of continued writing and looking things up -- I have come right back to the same place.

The Bible says it's better -- and it's "God's truth" about the matter. The economic systems of the world -- which are going to fall (implode or explode, either way) suddenly and cause major distress -- are in place.  There is very little that holds them back -- and for the most part, it sure as heck ain't them 501(c)3s called "churches," who are happily receiving perks and dispensing control of their flocks and cooperation with the government in spreading the good news -- you'd better get married, and etc.  

And "men, keep your women in line...." Do not report abuse, of them, or of children.  This is a spiritual matter, best handled by spiritual counseling (sure, yeah). . . . . 

No -- we need LORD JESUS CHRIST -- and not the system of control and abuse which has spread throughout the world and is posing as Christ.  Protestant, Catholic -- not really that different.  There is a way -- and to understand that way, look at Him.  And follow.  HINT -- there may not be a lot of live examples to follow  Read the Word.  Then DO.